To become a credible social institution that provides broad benefits through love in the fields of education, health, and creative economy in order to develop people with character and independence on their path to prosperity.
Educating early childhood according to their age level to grow and develop properly prepares them for higher education levels.
Educate and train children to have a personality/character according to the noble values of the nation and their love for God Almighty.
Carry out mental and spiritual recovery activities and faith and spiritual development for youth and adults.
Making the Shelter House as the organizer of the Workshop, a place to be creative and innovate in improving skills to prepare oneself as an independent person.
Improving the quality of maternal and child health in order to produce people who are productive and competitive.
Yayasan Gaharu Insan Nusantara.
The presence of the Gaharu Insan Nusantara Foundation is our goal to serve with the motivation to be a blessing because, indeed, God the Almighty has blessed all of our lives. And, for that, we underlie all activities in the programs at the Gaharu Insan Nusantara Foundation with the tagline "Blessed and Becoming a Blessing".
+62 81186 4228

The Shelter House's Faclitiies
The Shelter House was prepared as a center for the foundation's activities and as a workshop for participants for training to improve skills in the fields of catering, clothing, aquaculture, and plantation. The Shelter House is intended for participants during the training and coaching periods with adequate facilities to stay overnight.